Opinion | From 'Black Myth' to 'Ne Zha' : why are med school grads so good at making blockbuster games?
2024-08-23 22:59:58

On August 20th, "Black Myth: Wukong" triggered a wave of excitement across the internet. Many players praised this game for its rich "Chinese style". According to sales data, by 8 PM on the 20th, the game had sold over 4.5 million copies, generating over 1.5 billion yuan in revenue.

Curious netizens dug into the background of the company's founder, Feng Ji, and discovered that he graduated in 2004 with a degree in Biomedical Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. This revelation sparked discussion about how medical students, like Feng Ji and "Ne Zha" director Yang Yu, have been making significant impacts in the cultural and entertainment industries.

Back in May 2004, Feng Ji encountered the open beta of Blizzard's "World of Warcraft ". He spent so much time in internet cafes playing the game that he used up all the money he had saved for his graduate school entrance exam and ultimately gave up on further studies.

In 2014, seeing the explosive growth of the mobile gaming market, Feng Ji decided not to miss out on the opportunity. He left Tencent and founded Game Science 's related company, Shenzhen Youke Interactive Technology Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen. After six years of dedication, he finally brought "Black Myth: Wukong", hailed as China's first AAA game, to life.

But Feng Ji isn't alone—there are many others with medical backgrounds who have boldly ventured into the cultural and entertainment sectors. Take BioWare, for example. Despite its name sounding like a biomedical company, BioWare is a prominent game developer. Its founders, Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka, both have medical backgrounds.

After graduating from medical school in 1995, the two founders used their earnings from the medical field to establish BioWare. Their second game, "Baldur's Gate ", catapulted BioWare to global fame, making it one of the top game developers in the world.

China also has its share of medical students who have successfully leveraged traditional cultural IP to create high-quality products and succeeded in the market.

In 2019, the Chinese animated film "Ne Zha" was released, achieving the highest ratings for an animated film in nearly a decade. The mastermind behind this success, Yang Yu (also known as Jiaozi), studied at the West China Center of Medical Sciences of Sichuan University.

Yang was originally destined for a medical career, following in his parents' footsteps, but his true passion was reignited when some of his classmates switched to software development. In 2019, his directorial debut "Ne Zha" became a massive hit, grossing 5 billion yuan and breaking into mainstream success.

From "Black Myth: Wukong" to "Ne Zha", the emergence of these phenomenal products certainly brings attention to the fact that their creators come from medical backgrounds. However, the more significant takeaway is how the fusion of traditional cultural IP with contemporary spirit not only drives these cultural products to achieve remarkable market success but also continuously surprises and delights audiences.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News






事实上,不仅是冯骥,医学专业出身却勇闯文化娱乐圈的大有人在。位于加拿大的BioWare,名字听起来像是一家生物医药公司,但是一家实打实的游戏公司。其创始人Greg Zeschuk和Ray Muzyka就是医学出身。






文丨记者 杭莹





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