Application Guide for International Students HQU, 2025
2024-12-27 14:34:01

Application Guide for International Students

Huaqiao University, 2025

What is HQU ?


A Comprehensive University Directly under the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of China;


One of China’s Prioritized Fostered Universities;


National Base for Chinese Language and Culture Education;


National Base for the Cultural Quality Education of College Students;


National Demonstration University for Deepening Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Reform;


Chinese Government Scholarship Preparatory Education Base;

Where is HQU ?


Huaqiao University (HQU) has two campuses: one in Xiamen, a seaside city awarded the “UN Habitat Scroll of Honor Award”.


the other in Quanzhou, the World Cultural Heritage City and one of the first group of cities awarded "Chinese Famous Historical and Cultural City".

Why choosing HQU ?


HQU offers 11academic disciplines including Economics, Management, Science, Engineering, Arts, Medicine, Education, and such.


HQU has 41state or provincial key disciplines, among which Engineering, Chemistry, Material Science, Computer Science and Technology rank the top 5‰ of the ESI world ranking; Environment/Ecology and Social Sciences rank the top 1% of the ESI world ranking.


Among 52first-class undergraduate programs, there are 35 national-level ones. In addition, 22programs have international and domestic professional accreditation.


HQU has more than 100 provincial and ministerial teaching and research platforms, such as the National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center, the Provincial and Ministerial Collaborative Innovation Center, the Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Education, the Virtual Teaching and Research Room, the Virtual Simulation Experiment Center, the Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, and so on.


HQU has signed cooperation agreements with more than 280 universities, research institutes and government departments in 44 countries/regions on five continents.


HQU is one of the first universities in China’s Mainland to recruit overseas students and have the largest number of overseas students.


HQU ranked 71st in China’s Mainland in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024.


HQU has more than 35,000full-time undergraduates and graduates, among whom more than 8,000are students from over 100countries and regions


Established in 1960, HQU is situated in Xiamen and Quanzhou, Fujian province, P.R.C.

Dedicated to recruiting students from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and abroad, HQU aims to serve the overseas Chinese and spread Chinese culture, committing itself to the school principle of Integration of Chinese Wisdom and Foreign Expertise, Unification of Moral Character and Professional Excellence. It boasts a unique campus culture of One-Culture Oriented, Multi-Culture Integrated, Diverse but Harmonious.

Covering an area of more than 2,100,000square meters, HQU is equipped with well-developed infrastructures, featuring advanced labs, first-class student accommodations and one of the “Best 100 Chinese University Student Restaurants”.

HQU offers grounds for various sports including basketball, football, badminton, tennis, swimming, rock climbing, and such. It has more than 100student clubs that meet students’ various interests.



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